Ok. So even though it's not quite the end of the year yet, I've been reflecting a lot on how much has happened in one year. I've had my share of family drama, I've travelled to the other side of the world and lived in a boarding school, I've made the best friends in the world. I've fallen in love (twice) as much as I think you can at this age. I've learned a lot about myself, I've solidified my morals and what I stand for. I know what I want out of life for the next few years and I've got a fairly good idea of how I'm going to get it. As you can imagine, this has completely changed me. I used to be thinking about the world from my room in a dead end road just down from my school and now I'm writing this from my bedroom in New Jersey, a 24 hour journey away. A 24 hour journey that I'm going to attempt to complete on my own in 2 weeks time. Eek. But I know my family will be waiting for me and I'll get to see my friends soon after I arrive and it will all be good :). So yeah. That is my insane 2010 rant. BRING ON 2011!!!
love and hugs xo