Saturday, January 15, 2011

you have no idea how much this hurts me.

and what's worse is that you dont care.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

missing ridley :(

Well I'm safe and sound home in Sydney :). I love being back and catching up with friends and I feel like I've finished an amazing phase of my life and I'm ready for the next one. In saying that though, there are a lot of things that I'm missing about Ridley and all the people there. It's a weird weird feeling knowing that you may never see these people again...these people who changed your life forever. Trying to cope is totally taking up all my time :) love and hugs xo

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Ok. So even though it's not quite the end of the year yet, I've been reflecting a lot on how much has happened in one year. I've had my share of family drama, I've travelled to the other side of the world and lived in a boarding school, I've made the best friends in the world. I've fallen in love (twice) as much as I think you can at this age. I've learned a lot about myself, I've solidified my morals and what I stand for. I know what I want out of life for the next few years and I've got a fairly good idea of how I'm going to get it. As you can imagine, this has completely changed me. I used to be thinking about the world from my room in a dead end road just down from my school and now I'm writing this from my bedroom in New Jersey, a 24 hour journey away. A 24 hour journey that I'm going to attempt to complete on my own in 2 weeks time. Eek. But I know my family will be waiting for me and I'll get to see my friends soon after I arrive and it will all be good :). So yeah. That is my insane 2010 rant. BRING ON 2011!!!

love and hugs xo

Thursday, December 16, 2010

don't be hatin'

a picture I found agessss ago but still adore it.


this is the kind of dress that I would buy, tell myself I would wear it with everything because it's so gorgeous and then I would never wear it, however much I love it.

this reminds me of Sydney. I miss Sydney. I'm going home to Sydney in just over 2 weeks.
I don't really know what goes on in this guy's brain but it is GENIUS.

conflict, much?

So rather conflicted at the moment and all of these pretty much sum up something that doesn't make sense and I'm trying to work through.

love and hugs xo

Thursday, December 2, 2010